Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Ken Kesey-The Alienated Hero essays

Ken Kesey-The Alienated Hero essays Ken Kesey creates one of Americas most famous alienated heroes in his work One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. Keseys alienated hero, Randle Patrick McMurphy, is a wild red-haired American of Irish heritage. McMurphy is a lazy, rowdy fighter. He also gambles constantly and has been prosecuted on the charges of the statutory rape of a 9 year old. A character with many flaws, McMurphy is not the likely character for heroics, but it is his rebellious lack of authority that makes him the perfect hero for Keseys story. Transferred from a work camp to a psychiatric ward, McMurphy is the only patient sane enough to fight the tyrannical, oppressive Nurse Ratched and her staff. To understand McMurphys role as an alienated or anti-hero, the term must be clearly defined. The Living Webster Encyclopedia Dictionary defines a hero as a man distinguished by exceptional courage and nobility and strength. A hero is a character that the reader is intended to fully embrace due to the characters selflessness and moral values. The Wikipedia Encyclopedia defines an anti-hero as a character that has some of the personality flaws and ultimate fortune traditionally assigned to villains but nonetheless also have the heroic qualities or intentions to gain the sympathy of the readers. In other words, the anti-hero or alienated hero is the unlikely hero. These flawed heroes are similar to the heroes seen in comic books. Comic book heroes often have troubled pasts or justify their means by the end. McMurphy certainly has a checkered past, after being discharged from the military, and spending time in prison. His distrust of societys values helps carve out his status as an outsider. An alienated hero often moves from one failure to the next and usually in the end reach the fate of a villain, failure. Jay Gatsby is comparable to McMurphy. Both come from checkered pasts, and fight for som...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

6 Things To Consider If You Want to Work from Home Full-Time

6 Things To Consider If You Want to Work from Home Full-Time Working from home seems like nothing but a blessing: all of the sweatpants and none of the commute. But there are a few not-so-great aspects to bear in mind as well. Here’s a list of a few things to consider while you’re setting up a home office for yourself. 1. You’ll be alone. A lot.You will get lonely at some point- that’s inevitable. It might take a while to get used to the silence and the peace. If you can’t get used to it, you could consider a coworking space or a coffee shop as part of your routine. You also might find that you miss the face-to-face of meetings and staying connected. It will be more important than ever to stay connected- even if only through Skype and Google Hangouts and other messaging venues.2. You’re in charge.No boss is going to tell you what to work on or when you can and cannot take a break, which is great! But no boss is going to keep you on your toes either. That responsibility will now fall to you. Instead of losing hours and hours on Twitter, you’ll have to keep yourself on task- otherwise your work will suffer and you won’t be self-employed for long. So cultivate some serious self-discipline, including rewarding yourself with breaks and respecting your need for time off.3. You’re the main negotiator.There’s no HR department making things easy and equitable. You set your rate and negotiate your contracts and make your own boundaries. No one is going to do it for you. Try raising your rate for new clients and cutting your existing clients a break until you build your business. At the same time, don’t forget to give yourself the proper raises and reviews.4. You need to be cutting edge.You’re not going to learn things in meetings or at the water cooler anymore. It will be on you to keep track of the latest advances and innovations in your field. You don’t want to fall behind the curve, or you won’t be competitive for bids.5. Money wil l be less stable.You can make a great living freelancing, but you should keep in mind that that living might sometimes be erratic. You will have flood months and famine months. This means you have to have a good savings in the bank for emergencies and lean times. Make sure you have enough to float yourself through any lulls or catastrophes.6. It’s always casual Friday.Okay, but it really is true that you can wear sweatpants any time you want- unless you have a client meeting or, you know, have to venture out into the world. Be careful what you wish for though. If you start to feel sluggish and unproductive because of your new, ahem, uniform, then try taking a shower in the morning and dressing in something smart whenever you need an extra boost.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Managing organizations and people Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managing organizations and people - Essay Example The external environment is hostile and it is a matter of survival from day one. Forces nearest to a company, which affect its capability of serving its customers are micro environmental factors. For example, customers, competitors, suppliers, marketing teams are some such factors (Kotler, et al, 2004, p.164). In perfect competition, there is no limit to the number of these different players and equilibrium is maintained in the form of reasonable profits and market share for each supplier. In this competitive condition, â€Å"Price changes act as the mechanism whereby demand and supply are balanced (Sloman et al., 2006, Ch.4)†, and a win-win situation is created for the seller and the buyer. However, such an equilibrium can be disturbed by any number of factors, When he started out his career, Mr. Will Chase, the promoter of Tyrrells Crisps was producing potatoes which, as a commodity with no added value and no differentiation from other suppliers, was giving him wafer thin margins. Terms could be dictated by the buyers, who play one supplier against the other to beat down the prices or set unjustified conditions. Chase decided to counter this situation by diversifying his business, converting the potatoes into a branded product namely Tyrrells Crisps and thus adding value to his produce. It was a right step, with the margins on chips being better than those on potatoes since he was producing the raw materials himself. His innovative modifications of the hand-fryer resulted in a dramatically successful product – hand fried crisps, made from potatoes from own farms. He continued with his innovative efforts adding new flavours and newer vegetables to his line of products. Branching out from local farm shops and delicatessens, he tapped the big stores like Harrods, Selfridges and Villandry (Hirchkorn, Telegraph, 2004) with their marketing strength and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

LAB Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

LAB - Essay Example Also, in the earliest years of logging much of the work was done in the winter so that the logs could be moved on sleds. Per the previous question, there are two ways that logs were taken to the appropriate sawmills. The first it was by sled in winter or down the rivers. Although many Michigan men became wealthy in the logging industry the majority of the workers, like the lumberjacks made about $26 a month plus their room and board. This was not particularly much overall. Bare ground, abandon branches, and low lying stumps were all that was left behind after the loggers had left an area. The rivers no doubt suffered, they would have changed and been damaged from the constant use and devastation to the surrounding areas. These areas became had little protective groundcover and created immense fire hazards that often would threaten untouched woods and settled areas. So many people believed the propaganda being spread that the leads cleared by loggers was ideal for settlement and farming. For this reason many families spent all of the money they had on this land. However, the land was not fertile, the families could not pay their taxes, and the land became forfeit and given to the state. Ingham County was the first to be settled. The roads were little more than mud pits, uneven, and difficult to travel. Corduroy roads were roads made from logs, it most cases they were later replaced with planks roads, which were much smoother. The Michigan citizens in the 1960s and 1970s were concerned because the air quality was beginning to diminish, water pollution due to sewage and industrial waste. They began to take measures to improve and repair the damage being done to their home environment. The silo is a rounded tower-like building that is used for storing grains. Silage is the â€Å"finely chopped crops† that were fed to the farmer’s livestock (Michigan Historical Museum). A round

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The thought Police Essay Example for Free

The thought Police Essay For centrys writers in literature have written about about their ideal world their utopia. This ideal world is a place were every thing is as your heart desires it to be. This is somethig all human beings can relate to , every person has their own vision of how the world should. But what if this eutopia turned into a living nightmare, world full fear,misery,depression and doubt. This would become the criteria of a dystpian worlld. A place far from the fantasys of utopia. In the oxford dictionary of litercy terms Dystopia is defined as an imaginary place or condition in which everything is as bad possible. The opposite of utopia. This exactly the case in the novel nineteen eighty four by George Orwell and the handmaids ale by Margaret Attwood. In both these novels the autos have created worlds which are dark, suppressed and painful for the characters involved. They have created these worlds to such a great effect that the reader is left thinking about how it would be to live in these dystopia. The critic Bernard Richards once said dystopias are useful; they warn us about what might happen. This is one of the many strengths about working with the dystopian genre. Though the novels are depressing which may not be what a reader wants initially from a book, the dystopian genre is extremely thought provoking. It allows the reader to reflect and appreciate the world we have at present. The novels dismal tones make the reader realise that maybe their lives arent so bad when in comparison to character involved in these dystpoipian nightmares. Another more positive side to the dystopian genre is that there is generally an important message behind the darkness whether it is political religious etc Both authors have a similar messages within their books, and these message aer mainly religeous and political ones. Atwood and orwell looked at the world and societys of their times and wrote novels warnings of the dire consequences of fundemental ideal and dictatorship can lead to. In the the handmaids tale a grooup of fundamentalist christians establishes the state of gilead in new england. Imeadiatly all womens rights, such as votin, owwing propewry or making any type of descisions are revoked. The constant civil war in the background of the book has left a majority of women infertile. Inspired by the biblical tale of rachel and billah, gileiad decres that all fertile women are to act as handmaids. Surrogate mothers who will bear the children of the infertile couples. Atwood weaeves many elements into her book:hatred of feminism, religious bigotry, rascism, enviromental destrution and of course atwood explores the consequences ofa reversal of womens rights. in this totaliterarian society, womens bodys serve purly serve as political tool. Atwoods novel is clearly inspired by the ideals of christian fundametalism and her visit to afganistan in 1978. A country with a distorted view of islam and led by fundamentalist muslims. This is very much present in the red dress of the handmaid which is very simililar to the chador worn by afgan women. In george orwells 1984, he has constructed a dystopian world in which every individual can be monitoed. There thoughts and actions can be controled by the government. 1984 is said to be one of orwells best crafted novels as it gives an incredibly powerful warning against the dangers of a toterian society. In spain germany, germany and the soviet union orwell had witnessed the danger of absolute political authority in an age of advanced technology. He illistrated this in 1984 harshly. He portrays the perfect totliterian society, the most extrem realisatioin imaginable of a modern day government with absolute power. Both orwell and atwood have main character by which the story is told to the reader. These two characters have many similartys and differences. In the handmaids tale tale the entire story is told directly from the point of view of ofred . she is narrator and prtagnist of the novel. In 1984 the entre novel is narrated in the third person, through the main character winston. Both characters are rebels within theier socity and completely against the ideals of their leaders. Winston is very thoughtful in nature and his main attributes are his rebeliousnes and fatalism. Winston hates the party pationatlyand wants to test the limits of its power, he comits a numerous amount amounts of crimethroughout the novel ranging from writing DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER in his diary to his illegal love affair with julia( another character within the book) to secretly getting himself into the anti party brotherhood. The effert winston puts into his atempt at feedom ultimatly underscores the the partys devstating power. And By the end of the novel winsto is a loyal servent to big brother. The main reason for winstons rebelion and eventual down fall is his imense sense of fatalism. He is intensly paranoid about the party and his belief that the party will eventualy capture him and punish him. whether he went on with the diary, or whether he did not go on with it, made no difference. The thought police would get him all the same. As soon as he writes into his diary he is positive that the thought police are coming for him. Winston is so sur of his doom that this causes him to take unnessary risks, such as trusting o birian , renting a room above the shop and continuing to rebel because of his belief that he will be caught any way. In handmaid tale ofred like winston is a rebel, but unlike winston who rebel externaly, she rebels internaly. Ofred is by no means the heroin of the novel, she resist giliads concepts and ideal but does not act in a physyicaky open way on them. On the outside she submitts to gileads rules and her role as a handmaid once her attempt at escape fails. She is hardly a feminist champion; she always felt uncomfortable with her mothers activism, and her pre-Gilead relationship with Luke began when she became his mistress. Although she is friends with Ofglen, who is a member of the resistance, she never makes the move to join up herself. After she begins her affair with Nick, she seems to lose sight of escape and begins to feels that life in Gilead is almost bearable. If she does finally escape, it is because of Nick, not because of anything she has phisicaly done herself. Offred is a mostly passive character, good-hearted but complacent. Like her peers, she took for granted the freedoms feminism won and now pays the price. Like most of the women in Gilead, she is an ordinary woman placed in an extraordinary situation Another subject or theme which both these dystopian novels share is th esubject of gender. The reprsenttation of male and females especialy in 1984 is very stricking. In 1984 orwell has given women in the novel a very negative light. Winston who can be said to reflect the voice of orwell has extreamly sexist views towards women. The only women in the novel that can be said to have a more positive oulook is winstons mother. He sees her pure safricial women and constantly reminises about her in the novel. 19984 is a very male dominated novel, there are few females character in it. Julia is the main female charater in the novel, and winstons attidude to her at times is extremly negative he would flog her to death with a rubber truncheon. he would tie to a stake and shoot her full of arrows. he would ravish her and cut her throat at the moment of climax winston applys this vulgar attidude not just to julia but to other female with in the novel her thick arms reaching up fo the line , her powerful mare like buttocks protruded this qote is where winston observes a prole women hanging out her washing and basicaly comparing her to a horse. Julias purpose in the novel is to serve as the male fantasy, she has sex with winston and is very promiscuous in that she has slept with may party men,she brings him forbidden food, she dresses up for him. The critic and feminist beatrix campbell sees the portralel of women in 1984 as very negative- women are akin to the proletarian man in orwells work, they are rendered natural rather than skillful, almost infantile in their unconsciousness rather then alert and organised. I agree with her views, women are cleary given a dismal outlook, and julias character also a very unrealsistic one. The handmaids tale can be said to be a feminist update of 984, this could also be because of the fact that the author is female. The whole tone to the novel is completely different to the cold, dreary, masculine tones of 1984.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Re-Creation of a Young Roman Girl Essay examples -- Rome Culture T

The Re-Creation of a Young Roman Girl At seven years old this young, upper-class1 Roman girl, daughter of a prominent political figure, is posing for a portrait of her face. Her father is demanding her whole family have one done so that everyone can see their family displayed for years to come. As predicted by her father, Roman art historians are very interested in these portraits and the past they represent. In 1998 this bust is a rare and exceptional find among art collectors. This portrait is now one of twenty-one sculptures found in the Riley Collection of Roman Portrait Sculpture at the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art. This portrait is rare, first because it is a portrait of a child, and second because it is portrait of a young girl. Children were often exposed in ancient Rome, especially young girls. The reasons for exposure are probably monetary. Poor families could not afford many children, and wealthy families did not want to have to divide their inheritance any more than necessary. Boys were most often kept because they would be the heir to the family and preserve the family wealth, while daughters would require a dowry to be given to her husband.2 When the portrait is finished, this young girl and her two older brothers, would be immortalized in stone. This portrait may have been chosen to be made at this time because the girl's father had reached a certain political status, or because this girl had reached an age where it was believed she had survived the hardest part of her life, her childhood, or a combination of both.3 It is unlikely this portrait is a funerary memorial due to the simple fact that it is a round sculpture rather than relief. Most grave markers were decorated with relief in the ancient time... ...n citizens. In order for that to occur, both parents had to be legal Roman citizens. Marriage was a necessary function for survival of lineage, not something any Roman man wanted to be trapped in (Dixon, 1992, 60-65). See Lefkowitz and Fant on guardianship and the Julian Marriage Laws. 24 Dixon, 1992, 72-75. 25 Women were seen to be too careless to manage their own affairs, even as adults. However, women could appoint their own tutor, and may have chosen one strictly for social purposes and managed their own money. See Lefkowitz and Fant on the laws of guardianship. 26 Foss tells the story of Pomponia, the wife of Quintus Cicero, when she is a guest somewhere. She was not invited to have the responsibility of organizing and supervising the feast at the estate. Because she is treated as a guest, she refuses to attend the meal. 27 Foss, 1995.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Exegesis Paper on Luke 12:49-53

â€Å"I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50 I have a baptism with which to be baptized, and what stress I am under until it is completed! 51 Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. 52 For now on five in one house there will be divided, three against two and two against three; 53 They will be divided: father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law. (Luke 12:49-53) â€Å"I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled (v49)! † As I read these words from this passage again, I can almost hear the urgency and emotion that was in Jesus’ voice when he spoke them. â€Å"I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled (v49)! † This is Jesus describing his mission, his purpose for entering into our world: to cast fire on the earth. Yet it had not happened yet, for with great longing in his voice, he tells his disciples, â€Å"how I wish it were already kindled (v49)! But whatever do these strange words mean? What is this fire about which Christ speaks of? How or when did he cast this fire to the earth, if he ever did? There are occasions in the Bible when fire did fall from heaven. Fire and brimstone fell from heaven upon Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:24-25) and destroyed those towns and all its inhabitants. One of the ten plagues against Egypt was fire and hail from heaven (Exodus 9:3). The prophet Elijah called down fire from heaven that incinerated soldiers sent from wi cked King Ahaziah (2 Kings 1:9-17). Lightning is sometimes described as fire from heaven in the Bible (Psalm 27:9; Psalm 144:5-6). All of these fires from God, however, were destructive fires. And it is the destructive and consuming force of fire that we usually think of when we think of fire. Does it sound like Jesus to be longing and wishing for destruction? No, the fire that Jesus came to cast on the earth is none of those fires. It is not a destructive fire. It is the fire of the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures sometimes associates the Holy Spirit with fire. In the book of Revelation, the Holy Spirit is pictured as â€Å"seven lamp stands with burning flames† (Revelation 4:5). John the Baptist prophesied concerning Jesus, â€Å"I baptize you with water, but he who is more powerful than I is coming; I am not worthy to untie the thong of his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire† (Luke 3:16). But do we have any Biblical evidence that Jesus ever sent the Holy Spirit from heaven in the form of fire? Yes we do and it happened on the Day of Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2. 1â€Å"When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared to them, and a tongue rested on each of them. 4 All of them filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit gave them ability (Acts 2:1-4). †Later, when Peter stood up and preached a sermon before thousands of curious onlookers, he explained to them what the tongues of fire meant, 32 â€Å"This Jesus God raised up, and of that all of us are witnesses. 3Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this that you both see and hear (Acts 2:32-33). The resurrected Jesus, ascended to the right hand of God had poured forth the Holy Spirit from heaven; he had cast the fire of the Holy Spirit to the earth. When the fire of the Spirit fell upon the apostles they were transformed; they were filled with boldness, they praised the mighty works of God in many languages, and they spoke the Word of God to the gathered people. The fire was kindled! 3000 were baptized and converted on that one day. And that kindled fire spread throughout Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). But when Jesus spoke the words of our text, the day of Pentecost was still in the distant future. Our Lord knew that before the great day of casting fire upon the earth could come, something of monumental significance had to happen first. Our Lord put it this way, â€Å"I have a baptism with which to be baptized, and what stress I am under until it is completed (v51)! †One thing is sure. Jesus was not referring to his baptism in the Jordan by John the Baptist; that baptism had already happened. No, he was referring to another kind of baptism, a baptism that filled Jesus with distress as he thought about it; a baptism that he desperately wanted to be completed. He was talking about the baptism of his death and resurrection. For truly baptism is a death and resurrection. Listen to Paul in Romans 6 describe what happens when a Christian is baptized: 3â€Å"Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Therefore we have been buried with him by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life (Romans 6:3-4). † Paul is not merely saying that baptism pictures a death and resurrection. He is saying that those who are baptized truly die with Christ, are buried with Christ, and rise again with Christ. Their sinful nature is put to death and they arise as new creations. Jesus was our ultimate sacrifice who paid the ultimate price for our sins, but it wasn’t enough for Jesus to just die on the cross. He also had to be buried and resurrect from the dead. Through the acts of his death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus bought our salvation. He purchased salvation with his own blood and made it available to all who obey him. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for our sins by dying on the cross. He went to the cross perfect and sinless. He did not deserve death. He was the only person that could make atonement for our sins. In order to make atonement, the sacrifice had to be without blemish and without sin. This is why we cannot atone for our own sins. We are born into sin. Jesus was not born into sin because God was his father. We have to identify with his death by dying to sin. We die to sin, put off the old man, by repenting of our sins and turning away from sin. We can’t kill the sinful nature. What we put to death is the control the sinful nature has over us. 12 â€Å"Therefore, do not let sin exercise dominion in your mortal bodies, to make you obey their passions. 13 No longer present your members to sin as instruments of wickedness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and present your members to God as instruments of righteousness. 4 For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law, but under grace (Romans 6:12-14). † Christians are not under the control of sin. We must live an overcoming life and not allow sin to work in our lives. â€Å"When then are we to say? Should we continue in sin, in order that grace may abound? 2 By no means! How can we who died to sin go on living in it? (Romans 6:1-2). †When Jesus died on the cross, He, who had no sin, paid the death penalty for our sins. Through baptism we are united, or joined with Christ in paying the death penalty for sin. We are baptized into His death, into the death penalty for sin. We, who are unable to return from death because we have sin, are joined to Christ and since Christ is sinless and was victorious over death, we, now being united with Him through baptism, are made victorious being united with Christ in His resurrection. Now if God allows us to participate in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, an event which occurred 2000 years ago, through baptism, it can truly be said we are saved through faith and God’s grace! Baptism can be likened to the Israelites coming up out of the land of slavery, passing through the Red Sea and entering the Promised Land. Baptism can be likened to passing through the flood of Noah. Baptism is about leaving our old sinful, worldly ways behind and taking upon our shoulders the yoke of Christ. It is about lifestyle change and dying to ourselves and doing God’s will instead of ours. Our reason and purpose for living changes after baptism. Afterward is a new way of life. Baptism is about heart, faith, total commitment, surrender, self-denial, death, resurrection, repentance, and seeking God’s mercy through Jesus Christ and the work He did on that cross on that day of infamy 2000 years ago. That is what Jesus meant by his baptism: His death and resurrection which atoned for the sins of the whole world, by which God offers forgiveness and eternal life to all who believe and are baptized, â€Å"he is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2). But once Jesus underwent his â€Å"baptism,† then he could, and did, cast fire on the earth, that is, gave the Spirit to his church. From that day until this the fire of the Spirit has fallen on the Church, and through it, has set the unbelieving world ablaze; this raging fire has spread, bringing not destruction, but salvation to an uncountable number. There is great debate as to what this â€Å"fire† is that Jesus wants to pour upon the earth, but it is more than likely that Jesus is speaking about the coming of the kingdom of God and of the terrible judgment that faces humanity in that day. The coming day of the kingdom is not prefigured by â€Å"peace† on earth, but rather by â€Å"fire†. There is ultimately the fire of the great judicial inquest, but in the meantime, the Day of Judgment is prefigured in the fire of Jesus â€Å"baptism†, (v50), and in the fire of â€Å"division†, (v51). Jesus knows well enough now that the coming kingdom of God is realized through tribulation, and for Jesus, this means suffering and death. Jesus must himself face the wrath of God and so he sets his eyes turned toward Calvary and with determination, presses onward toward the end. Jesus' â€Å"baptism† (the word is being used figuratively here) is his suffering and death on the cross, his atoning sacrifice for sin on behalf of those who have put their trust in him for salvation. In verse 51. Jesus aligns himself with the Old Testament prophets when he reminds his listeners that the coming day of the Lord is not a day of peace, but rather, is a day of judgment, a day of apocalyptic tribulation, a day when the saved are separated from those doomed to destruction. In the present moment, this coming day is prefigured in social division, (v52-53). We know that Jesus makes much of the sign of â€Å"love†, the love of the brotherhood, but what we have here is another sign of the kingdom, the sign of division. Jesus now explains what he means by â€Å"division† and then, in (v53), supports his words by quoting Micah 7:6. â€Å"Division† was one of the commonly expected signs of the coming messianic kingdom, and so now, with the coming of Jesus the messiah, families can expect that household members will â€Å"turn against one another†. Some members of the family will stand with Jesus and others will stand against him. His coming would inevitably mean division;in other words, it did. That was one of the great reasons why the Romans hated Christianity because it tore families in two. Over and over again a man had to decide whether he loved better his friends and kin or Christ. The essence of Christianity is that loyalty to Christ has to take precedence over the dearest loyalty to Christ has to take precedence over the dearest loyalty of this earth. In other words a man must be prepared to count all things but loss for the excellence of Jesus Christ. In this Luke passage, we see Jesus pressing on toward Jerusalem and the cross, or as he calls it, his baptism. For Jesus, the cross was ever before his eyes. How different from Jewish idea of God’s King! Jesus came, not with avenging armies and flying banners, but to give his life a ransom for many. In his death, Jesus' draws us close to the â€Å"fire† of the great judicial inquest. For the present, â€Å"division† prefigures that terrible day, a division realized through the preaching of the gospel. Some accept the Spirit-inspired message, but many reject it. None-the-less, through the proclamation of the gospel the kingdom of God finds its consummation.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Oedipal Complex Essay

The essential component to any tragedy, Greek or Shakespearean, is a protagonist with a fatal flaw. In Greek tragedy this is called hamartia. This Latin term translates directly into the word â€Å"flaw† but is usually used to describe an excess of a personality trait – virtue or vice (Cave 68). The protagonist’s fatal flaw pushes the the plot and action of the tragedy forward. It is this tragic flaw, which leads to the eventual downfall of the character, his circumstances, and the denouement of the drama. In examining the bulk of the literature’s protagonists, no other character embodies the essential role of the flawed protagonist like Hamlet. Without the flaw there would be no drama, and no irony and â€Å"would have ended dismally with a sense of utter frustration and inadequacy† (Wilson 236). Many critics believe that Hamlet’s fatal flaw is his Oedipal Complex. Sigmund Freud and The Oedipal Complex The Oedipal Complex was first developed by Sigmund Freud. The theory revolves around the concept that individuals have a hidden desire for sexual interaction with a parent of the opposite sex. At the same time the child feels a rivalry with the parent of the same sex. It may be that Freud named the oedipal complex after the infamous king of Thebes not because Oedipus’s childhood experience mirrored the developmental phase he described but simply because Oedipus was readily recognizable as a man who killed his father and had sex with his mother. (Sugiyama 121). Freud intensely studied Hamlet, and wanted to be known as the man who diagnosed Hamlet’s mental disorder. He writes, in The Interpretation of Dreams, the play is seems to be about Hamlet seeking revenge for his father’s murder, but Shakespeare, within the text of the play, does not show a reason for why Hamlet waits so long to kill Claudius. Freud states â€Å"According to the view which was originated by Goethe and is still the prevailing one today, Hamlet represents the type of man whose power of direct action is paralyzed by and excessive development of his intellect. † (98). Ernest Jones Interpretation of Hamlet Dr. Ernest Jones offered one of the first indepth presentations of the theory that Hamlet suffered from the Oedipal Complex. He asserted, in Hamlet and Oedipus, â€Å"The story thus interpreted would run somewhat as follows: As a child Hamlet had experienced the warmest affection for his mother, and this, as is always the case, had contained elements of a more or less dimly defined erotic quality† (98). There are two qualities which the Queen has which supports this reasoning. Shakespeare clearly shows her sensual nature. He also explains that she has a great deal of intense love for her son. Jones believes â€Å"The former is indicated in too many places in the play to need specific reference, and is generally recognised† (98). Hamlet is a study of â€Å"the powerful influence of infantile sexuality on the patterns of unconscious thinking in the lives of adults. † (MacCary 114). Hamlet’s fatal flaw is his Oedipal complex which leads to indecision. The rising action, falling action, and resolution, in Hamlet, can be attributed to the theme of indecision. Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, is a bright young man with many talents. He is an academic, a witty orator, and a flawless actor. Certainly, he has the potential to do anything he wants which may have included, in the future, being the King of Denmark. His aptitude for all things calls into question why there is a great delay between Hamlet’s decision to avenge his father’s murder and the actual revenge. Hamlet laments over his indecision: O that this too too solid flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fixed His canon ‘gainst self-slaughter! O God! O God! How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable Seem to me all the uses of this world! (Act I, sc ii) He continues, condemning his mother for leaving his father and more importantly choosing Claudius over him: Within a month, Ere yet the salt of most unrighteous tears Had left the flushing in her galled eyes, She married. O, most wicked speed, to post With such dexterity to incestuous sheets! It is not, nor it cannot come to good. But break my heart, for I must hold my tongue! (Act I, sc ii) Knowles, in his article â€Å"Hamlet and Counter-Humanism,† states â€Å"Hamlet’s father’s death, his mother’s concupiscence and hasty marriage to her husband’s murderer, produce a grief and loathing of such a profound degree that a sense of being created by emotion estranges him from the previous identity of a princely role† (1046). This grief is compounded by Hamlet’s repressed romantic love for his mother. The Problem Revealed : Hamlet Identifies with Claudius It is Hamlet’s Oedipal Complex which leads to indecision and the reevaluation of his choice to kill Claudius. Claudius was able to kill Hamlet’s father and sleep with Hamlet’s mother. He was able to do what Hamlet could not. Hamlet is living out his Oedipal fantasies through Claudius (Joseph 26). Killing him would end Hamlet’s fantasies. Hamlet is disgusted by his mother marrying his uncle. In Conscience of a King, Bertram Joseph (28) believes that Hamlet â€Å"showed all the signs of a noble and well-balanced sanguine temperament. † Joseph assumes that Hamlet is not experiencing insanity and he is in perfect mental health – the embodiment of everything a good Elizabethan should be. Incest was not acceptable in Elizabethan times. When reflecting on the thought of his father and mother sleeping together, Hamlet states† Must I remember? Why, she would hang on him, as if increase of appetite had grown. † He wishes he does not remember how his mother hung onto his father. His uncle and mother married at a â€Å"most wicked speed† and now sleep in â€Å"incestuous sheets†. The literal interpretation may be that his belief system is causing his anger. However, Hamlet goes on to say â€Å"It is not nor it cannot come to good; But break, my hear, for I must hold my tongue. † Hamlet is not upset over his father’s death but is jealous because his mother choose Claudius (her brother in law) instead of Hamlet (her son) to marry. Hamlet’s Idealism Defined Hamlet actions should not attributed to mental illness but a repressed desire for his mother. Thomas MacCary asserts, in Hamlet: A Guide to the Play, â€Å"Shakespeare’s Hamlet, has its roots in the same soil as Oedipus Rex†¦. the secular advance of repression in the emotional life of mankind† (104). He continues thats â€Å"In Hamlet it remains repressed; and — just as in the case of a neurosis — we only learn of its existence from its inhibiting consequences. . . . Hamlet is able to do anything — except take vengeance on the man who did away with his father and took his father’s place with his mother, the man who shows him the repressed wishes of his own childhood realized (MacCary 105). Hamlet believes fully that men were born good and were meant to do good things. His strong belief system contrasts strikingly with the reality and corruption of the world when he returns home and his own fantasies. He comments on the state of Denmark and more specifically his father’s house, â€Å"‘Tis an unweeded garden that grows to seed; Things rank and gross in nature possess it merely† (Act I, sc ii). He is disgusted not just by his home community but the evil which existed in his family. Upon the realization that the world was cruel, and that he will never actually be with his mother, he describes life as a â€Å"prison† (Act II sc ii). He finds it difficult to resolve his illusions of what he feels and what he should feel. It is his Oedipal Complex and the living out of his fantasies through Claudius which allows him to conceal his bitterness while his internal moral will pressures him to avenge his father’s death. Hamlet attempts to use logic, a typical idealist characteristic, to determine what course of action he must take (Gresset and Samway 7). Shakespeare uses Hamlet to â€Å"provide new and revealing insights into the evolving Renaissance codes of honor, for Shakespeare creates characters in Hamlet that represent various stages in the evolution of a changing honor system. (Terry 1070). Hamlet struggles with idea that he may be a coward for his inaction and a sinner for his cardinal thoughts. Despite his nightly supernatural chat with the ghost of his murdered father, he is still unsure if justice should be done by his own hand. Fendt comments, in Is Hamlet a Religious Drama? An Essay on a Question in Kierkegaard, that â€Å"The plot shows Hamlet to be a first class detective — he uncovers a criminal who has committed a perfect crime, and only in his more scholarly moments of soliloquy has he time to consider despising himself† (60). Fendt makes a good point in that Hamlet has to figure out for his own peace of mind what truly happened to his father. He understands that if Claudius did kill his father he must kill Claudius. He understands that in a world of lies it was hard to tell truth from fiction, and a sinner from a saint. Hamlet states, â€Å"the native hue of resolution is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought†(Act III sc i), and concludes that the death of Claudius must be based on justice not emotional revenge. Therefore, Hamlet must have independent proof that his uncle murdered his father. â€Å"Other Shakespearean plays exploit the device of the play-within-a-play as a form of recognition ‘token’,† (234) comments Cave in Recognitions: A Study in Poetics. Cave is correct, play with in plays is a common tool used by Shakespeare. It is also the only way Hamlet, besides direct conformation, is going to be able to tell if Claudius is guilty. In addition Hamlet is able to prolong his Oedipal fantasies. It is for this reason that Hamlet invites players in to perform a â€Å"murderous† play to ferret out the truth from his mother and new father. Symptoms of Oedipal Complex within Hamlet Shakespeare slowly reveals Hamlet’s complex through a series of subtle yet functional hints. Claudius comments on the relationship between Hamlet and Gertrude â€Å"The queen his mother lives almost by his looks† (Act IV, sc vii). implying an unnaturally close interaction between the two of them. This shows that Hamlet must have a place within his mother’s life. His deep desire for his mother attributes to his inability to love Ophelia. Hamlet is drawn to Ophelia because she, in some ways, resembles his mother. It is for this same reasons that Hamlet takes out anger for his mother on Ophelia. This accounts for Hamlet’s mistreatment of Ophelia throughout the play. Polonius believes that Hamlet’s is love sick over Ophelia and that is why he is going mad. Alexander Welsh, in Hamlet in His Modern Guises, believes that Polonuis â€Å"diagnosis of Hamlet’s madness as being due to unrequited love for Ophelia was not so far from the mark, and he certainly recognized that his distressful condition was of sexual origin. Thus Polonius had the right idea though the wrong woman† (Welsh 138). Even the ghost urges Hamlet to â€Å"Let thy soul contrive against they mother† (Act I, sc v) and give up his desires for her, so that Hamlet can avenge his father’s murder. In it within Act III, that Hamlet’s Oedipal complex is directly seen. John Mills, in Hamlet on Stage: The Great Tradition, states â€Å"†He was openly abusive to Ophelia and Gertrude in the play scene, delivering the sexual innuendos loudly enough for the whole court to hear†(Mills 236). In this scene Hamlet is hiding in her closet, watching her carefully. He confronts his mouhter about the murder of his father and speaks explicitly about her sexuality. He screams: This was your husband. Look you now, what follows: Here is your husband; like a mildew’d ear, Blasting his wholesome brother. Have you eyes? And batten on this moor? Ha! have you eyes? You cannot call it love; for at your age The hey-day in the blood is tame, it’s humble, (Act III, sc iv) He explains that she could not love Claudius and that his father would not approve of her choice. He continues on, with the play’s most explosive dialog: Nay, but to live In the rank sweat of an enseamed bed, Stew’d in corruption, honeying and making love Over the nasty sty,– (Act III, sc iv) It is important to note that this scene takes place in the Queen’s bedroom. The conversation symbolized Hamlet and Gertrude essentially â€Å"in bed† together and hints to a sexual relationship. Hamlet confronts his mother with his sword drawn which Freud considered a phallic symbol (Maccary 114). The conversation between Hamlet and Gertrude, is not a son talking to his mother. Hamlet speaks like a jealous lover chastising his girlfriend for sleeping with a different man and making their bed â€Å"enseamed†. The Queen is extremely upset and actually asks Hamlet to help her figure out what to do. At this point when Hamlet should have told her to confess, he urges her to stop her relationship with Claudius, â€Å"Not this, by no means, that I bid you do: Let the bloat king tempt you again to bed† (Act III, sc iv). Hamlet’s jealous orders restrictive his mother from being sexual with his â€Å"father,† making all Queen’s attention to be given to Hamlet. Fantasy Becomes Reality Hamlet’s inability to understand the motives of evil in actions and thought can also be attributed to his sole idealistic viewpoint. He does not understand why anyone would commit murder and therefore he is uncertain that he had ability to violently kill a man. Murderous revenge represents everything that Hamlet is not. Hamlet’s rational intellect allowed him the clarity of mind to understand both the good and bad in the act of the revenge and perhaps what his true motives for waiting are. The mental degradation of Hamlet, is believed to be insanity by the other characters but it was clear to the audience that he is merely coming to terms with what he believes to be right. Hamlet is a religious man and murder was a sin. Hamlet is a man of classical philosophy and revenge is not rational. In â€Å"The Mind of Man in Hamlet†, Levy writes â€Å"In Hamlet, man is still the rational animal, but a revolution in understanding the operation of thought occurs†. Hamlet is a man of classical philosophy and revenge is not rational (Levy). Choosing to appear mentally impair is good strategy because if the characters believe he is unwell, he will not be able to figure out the true. Hamlet’s true character remains unblemished. Hamlet is a man who believes in chivalry, and slaughter is not gentle. Hamlet is trying â€Å"to be worthy of the times in which he lives is not so far in essence from the protagonists of Greek drama. His fear of the risk of damnation is not something that can be called a moral flaw ; yet it acts like one, paralysing his will, making him behave like a coward† (Joseph 129). It is those idealistic qualities which causes the postponement of Claudius’ death. It is in the moment that Hamlet allows his emotion to dominate over his intellect that Claudius was killed. He is consumed by the thoughts of his father’s demise and is haunted by the knowledge that his father’s soul will not be able to rest until his death is avenged. Hamlet willfully concludes, â€Å"My thoughts be bloody or be nothing worth† (Act IV sc iv). It is then that Hamlet finally had the ability to suppress his idealistic nature, and do what is right. The murder is not a well planned scheme and occurs in the heat of the moment. Hamlet, after the murder of Claudius never once wavers in his decision. He has done what is right and believes that â€Å"There is a special providence in the fall of a sparrow† (Act V sc ii). Oddly enough fatalism is part of idealistic theory and therefore Hamlet always remains true to himself and his idealism. This also further supports that the Oedipal Complex can be applied to Hamlet, because he succeeds in killing â€Å"his father† (Claudius). Jones comments â€Å"And we have assumed as well that the final murder of Claudius also represents, in its actual psychological significance, the murder of the mother’s husband, made possible by the theme of vengeance for the father. This is the basis of the drama† (124). The act of killing his mother, even directly, could symbolize the act sex. Therefore, Hamlet has finally succeeding in attaining his subconscious need to have a sexual relationship with his mother. Conclusion Hamlet’s indecision caused his desire for his mother makes him the perfect tragic protagonist and leads to theme of indecision. Reta Terry, in her journal article â€Å"Vows to the Blackest Devil†: Hamlet and the Evolving Code of Honor in Early Modern Englandâ€Å", believes â€Å"Hamlet’s tragedy is, in part, that he is forced to attempt to balance these â€Å"rival ethical legacies† as he struggles to remain honorable† (Terry 1). Without his intense regard for the ideals of truth, justice, goodness and beauty being in conflict with his most basic physical desires there would be no play. His fatal flaw of indecision and his desire to sleep with his mother create a moral dilemma which the characters, and plot revolves. Even Hamlet, the academic, comments on the presence of hamartia in human nature. He states: oft it chances in particular men That for some vicious mole of nature in them, As in their birth, wherein they are not guilty, By the o’ergrowth of some complexion, Oft breaking down the pales and forts of reason, Their virtues else, be they as pure as grace, Shall in the general censure take corruption (Act 1, sc 4). Hamlet continues late in the resolution of the play, â€Å"though I am not spleenative and rash Yet have I in me something dangerous† (Act V. sc i.) Critics believe while Hamlet is â€Å"Normally not rash at all, he is capable of extreme rashness when provoked extremely. The â€Å"something dangerous† is the proud impatience that there is in his otherwise noble sense of public mission. â€Å"(Elliott 25). Freud states â€Å"Hamlet is able to do anything but take vengeance upon the man who did away with his father and has taken his father’s place with his mother – the man who showed him in realization the repressed desires of his own childhood† (101). The pain which should have caused him to take immediate revenge was replaced by pity for himself. Freud continues â€Å"by conscientious scruples, which tell him that he himself is no better than the murderer whom he is required to punish† (102). It is Hamlet’s idealistic nature mismatched with his pragmatic circumstances of his Oedipal Complex, that creates the ultimate theme and driving force behind all the rising action, falling action, and resolution of this tragedy. Works Cited Cave, Terence. Recognitions: A Study in Poetics. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. Croxford, Leslie. â€Å"The Uses of Interpretation in Hamlet. † Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics (2004): 93+. Elliott, G. R. Scourge and Minister: A Study of Hamlet: A Tragedy of Revengefulness and Justice. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1951. Fendt, Gene. Is Hamlet a Religious Drama? An Essay on a Question in Kierkegaard. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1998. Gresset, Michel, and Patrick S. J. Samway, eds. Faulkner and Idealism: Perspectives from Paris. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 1983. Jones, Ernest. Hamlet and Oedipus . New York: Norton, 1949. Joseph, Bertram. Conscience and the King: A Study of Hamlet. London: Chatto and Windus, 1953. Knowles, Ronald. â€Å"Hamlet and Counter-Humanism. † Renaissance Quarterly 52. 4 (1999): 1046. Levy, Eric P. â€Å"The Mind of Man in Hamlet. † Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature 54. 4 (2002): 219+. MacCary, W. Thomas. Hamlet A Guide to the Play. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998. Mills, John A. Hamlet on Stage: The Great Tradition. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1985. Shakespeare, William. â€Å"The Tragedy Hamlet. † THE NORTON INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE. Ed. Alison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, Kelly J. Mays, and . New York: Norton, 2000. Sugiyama, Michelle Scalise. â€Å"New Science, Old Myth: An Evolutionary Critique of the Oedipal Paradigm. † Mosaic (Winnipeg) 34. 1 (2001): 121 Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams, tr. James Strachey, Avon, N. Y. 1965. Terry, Reta A. â€Å"†Vows to the Blackest Devil†: Hamlet and the Evolving Code of Honor in Early Modern England. † Renaissance Quarterly 52. 4 (1999): 1070. Walker, Roy. The Time Is out of Joint: A Study of Hamlet. London: Andrew Dakers, 1948. Welsh, Alexander. Hamlet in His Modern Guises. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2001. Wilson, J. Dover. What Happens in Hamlet. New York: Macmillan, 1935.

Oedipal Complex Essay

The essential component to any tragedy, Greek or Shakespearean, is a protagonist with a fatal flaw. In Greek tragedy this is called hamartia. This Latin term translates directly into the word â€Å"flaw† but is usually used to describe an excess of a personality trait – virtue or vice (Cave 68). The protagonist’s fatal flaw pushes the the plot and action of the tragedy forward. It is this tragic flaw, which leads to the eventual downfall of the character, his circumstances, and the denouement of the drama. In examining the bulk of the literature’s protagonists, no other character embodies the essential role of the flawed protagonist like Hamlet. Without the flaw there would be no drama, and no irony and â€Å"would have ended dismally with a sense of utter frustration and inadequacy† (Wilson 236). Many critics believe that Hamlet’s fatal flaw is his Oedipal Complex. Sigmund Freud and The Oedipal Complex The Oedipal Complex was first developed by Sigmund Freud. The theory revolves around the concept that individuals have a hidden desire for sexual interaction with a parent of the opposite sex. At the same time the child feels a rivalry with the parent of the same sex. It may be that Freud named the oedipal complex after the infamous king of Thebes not because Oedipus’s childhood experience mirrored the developmental phase he described but simply because Oedipus was readily recognizable as a man who killed his father and had sex with his mother. (Sugiyama 121). Freud intensely studied Hamlet, and wanted to be known as the man who diagnosed Hamlet’s mental disorder. He writes, in The Interpretation of Dreams, the play is seems to be about Hamlet seeking revenge for his father’s murder, but Shakespeare, within the text of the play, does not show a reason for why Hamlet waits so long to kill Claudius. Freud states â€Å"According to the view which was originated by Goethe and is still the prevailing one today, Hamlet represents the type of man whose power of direct action is paralyzed by and excessive development of his intellect. † (98). Ernest Jones Interpretation of Hamlet Dr. Ernest Jones offered one of the first indepth presentations of the theory that Hamlet suffered from the Oedipal Complex. He asserted, in Hamlet and Oedipus, â€Å"The story thus interpreted would run somewhat as follows: As a child Hamlet had experienced the warmest affection for his mother, and this, as is always the case, had contained elements of a more or less dimly defined erotic quality† (98). There are two qualities which the Queen has which supports this reasoning. Shakespeare clearly shows her sensual nature. He also explains that she has a great deal of intense love for her son. Jones believes â€Å"The former is indicated in too many places in the play to need specific reference, and is generally recognised† (98). Hamlet is a study of â€Å"the powerful influence of infantile sexuality on the patterns of unconscious thinking in the lives of adults. † (MacCary 114). Hamlet’s fatal flaw is his Oedipal complex which leads to indecision. The rising action, falling action, and resolution, in Hamlet, can be attributed to the theme of indecision. Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, is a bright young man with many talents. He is an academic, a witty orator, and a flawless actor. Certainly, he has the potential to do anything he wants which may have included, in the future, being the King of Denmark. His aptitude for all things calls into question why there is a great delay between Hamlet’s decision to avenge his father’s murder and the actual revenge. Hamlet laments over his indecision: O that this too too solid flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fixed His canon ‘gainst self-slaughter! O God! O God! How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable Seem to me all the uses of this world! (Act I, sc ii) He continues, condemning his mother for leaving his father and more importantly choosing Claudius over him: Within a month, Ere yet the salt of most unrighteous tears Had left the flushing in her galled eyes, She married. O, most wicked speed, to post With such dexterity to incestuous sheets! It is not, nor it cannot come to good. But break my heart, for I must hold my tongue! (Act I, sc ii) Knowles, in his article â€Å"Hamlet and Counter-Humanism,† states â€Å"Hamlet’s father’s death, his mother’s concupiscence and hasty marriage to her husband’s murderer, produce a grief and loathing of such a profound degree that a sense of being created by emotion estranges him from the previous identity of a princely role† (1046). This grief is compounded by Hamlet’s repressed romantic love for his mother. The Problem Revealed : Hamlet Identifies with Claudius It is Hamlet’s Oedipal Complex which leads to indecision and the reevaluation of his choice to kill Claudius. Claudius was able to kill Hamlet’s father and sleep with Hamlet’s mother. He was able to do what Hamlet could not. Hamlet is living out his Oedipal fantasies through Claudius (Joseph 26). Killing him would end Hamlet’s fantasies. Hamlet is disgusted by his mother marrying his uncle. In Conscience of a King, Bertram Joseph (28) believes that Hamlet â€Å"showed all the signs of a noble and well-balanced sanguine temperament. † Joseph assumes that Hamlet is not experiencing insanity and he is in perfect mental health – the embodiment of everything a good Elizabethan should be. Incest was not acceptable in Elizabethan times. When reflecting on the thought of his father and mother sleeping together, Hamlet states† Must I remember? Why, she would hang on him, as if increase of appetite had grown. † He wishes he does not remember how his mother hung onto his father. His uncle and mother married at a â€Å"most wicked speed† and now sleep in â€Å"incestuous sheets†. The literal interpretation may be that his belief system is causing his anger. However, Hamlet goes on to say â€Å"It is not nor it cannot come to good; But break, my hear, for I must hold my tongue. † Hamlet is not upset over his father’s death but is jealous because his mother choose Claudius (her brother in law) instead of Hamlet (her son) to marry. Hamlet’s Idealism Defined Hamlet actions should not attributed to mental illness but a repressed desire for his mother. Thomas MacCary asserts, in Hamlet: A Guide to the Play, â€Å"Shakespeare’s Hamlet, has its roots in the same soil as Oedipus Rex†¦. the secular advance of repression in the emotional life of mankind† (104). He continues thats â€Å"In Hamlet it remains repressed; and — just as in the case of a neurosis — we only learn of its existence from its inhibiting consequences. . . . Hamlet is able to do anything — except take vengeance on the man who did away with his father and took his father’s place with his mother, the man who shows him the repressed wishes of his own childhood realized (MacCary 105). Hamlet believes fully that men were born good and were meant to do good things. His strong belief system contrasts strikingly with the reality and corruption of the world when he returns home and his own fantasies. He comments on the state of Denmark and more specifically his father’s house, â€Å"‘Tis an unweeded garden that grows to seed; Things rank and gross in nature possess it merely† (Act I, sc ii). He is disgusted not just by his home community but the evil which existed in his family. Upon the realization that the world was cruel, and that he will never actually be with his mother, he describes life as a â€Å"prison† (Act II sc ii). He finds it difficult to resolve his illusions of what he feels and what he should feel. It is his Oedipal Complex and the living out of his fantasies through Claudius which allows him to conceal his bitterness while his internal moral will pressures him to avenge his father’s death. Hamlet attempts to use logic, a typical idealist characteristic, to determine what course of action he must take (Gresset and Samway 7). Shakespeare uses Hamlet to â€Å"provide new and revealing insights into the evolving Renaissance codes of honor, for Shakespeare creates characters in Hamlet that represent various stages in the evolution of a changing honor system. (Terry 1070). Hamlet struggles with idea that he may be a coward for his inaction and a sinner for his cardinal thoughts. Despite his nightly supernatural chat with the ghost of his murdered father, he is still unsure if justice should be done by his own hand. Fendt comments, in Is Hamlet a Religious Drama? An Essay on a Question in Kierkegaard, that â€Å"The plot shows Hamlet to be a first class detective — he uncovers a criminal who has committed a perfect crime, and only in his more scholarly moments of soliloquy has he time to consider despising himself† (60). Fendt makes a good point in that Hamlet has to figure out for his own peace of mind what truly happened to his father. He understands that if Claudius did kill his father he must kill Claudius. He understands that in a world of lies it was hard to tell truth from fiction, and a sinner from a saint. Hamlet states, â€Å"the native hue of resolution is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought†(Act III sc i), and concludes that the death of Claudius must be based on justice not emotional revenge. Therefore, Hamlet must have independent proof that his uncle murdered his father. â€Å"Other Shakespearean plays exploit the device of the play-within-a-play as a form of recognition ‘token’,† (234) comments Cave in Recognitions: A Study in Poetics. Cave is correct, play with in plays is a common tool used by Shakespeare. It is also the only way Hamlet, besides direct conformation, is going to be able to tell if Claudius is guilty. In addition Hamlet is able to prolong his Oedipal fantasies. It is for this reason that Hamlet invites players in to perform a â€Å"murderous† play to ferret out the truth from his mother and new father. Symptoms of Oedipal Complex within Hamlet Shakespeare slowly reveals Hamlet’s complex through a series of subtle yet functional hints. Claudius comments on the relationship between Hamlet and Gertrude â€Å"The queen his mother lives almost by his looks† (Act IV, sc vii). implying an unnaturally close interaction between the two of them. This shows that Hamlet must have a place within his mother’s life. His deep desire for his mother attributes to his inability to love Ophelia. Hamlet is drawn to Ophelia because she, in some ways, resembles his mother. It is for this same reasons that Hamlet takes out anger for his mother on Ophelia. This accounts for Hamlet’s mistreatment of Ophelia throughout the play. Polonius believes that Hamlet’s is love sick over Ophelia and that is why he is going mad. Alexander Welsh, in Hamlet in His Modern Guises, believes that Polonuis â€Å"diagnosis of Hamlet’s madness as being due to unrequited love for Ophelia was not so far from the mark, and he certainly recognized that his distressful condition was of sexual origin. Thus Polonius had the right idea though the wrong woman† (Welsh 138). Even the ghost urges Hamlet to â€Å"Let thy soul contrive against they mother† (Act I, sc v) and give up his desires for her, so that Hamlet can avenge his father’s murder. In it within Act III, that Hamlet’s Oedipal complex is directly seen. John Mills, in Hamlet on Stage: The Great Tradition, states â€Å"†He was openly abusive to Ophelia and Gertrude in the play scene, delivering the sexual innuendos loudly enough for the whole court to hear†(Mills 236). In this scene Hamlet is hiding in her closet, watching her carefully. He confronts his mouhter about the murder of his father and speaks explicitly about her sexuality. He screams: This was your husband. Look you now, what follows: Here is your husband; like a mildew’d ear, Blasting his wholesome brother. Have you eyes? And batten on this moor? Ha! have you eyes? You cannot call it love; for at your age The hey-day in the blood is tame, it’s humble, (Act III, sc iv) He explains that she could not love Claudius and that his father would not approve of her choice. He continues on, with the play’s most explosive dialog: Nay, but to live In the rank sweat of an enseamed bed, Stew’d in corruption, honeying and making love Over the nasty sty,– (Act III, sc iv) It is important to note that this scene takes place in the Queen’s bedroom. The conversation symbolized Hamlet and Gertrude essentially â€Å"in bed† together and hints to a sexual relationship. Hamlet confronts his mother with his sword drawn which Freud considered a phallic symbol (Maccary 114). The conversation between Hamlet and Gertrude, is not a son talking to his mother. Hamlet speaks like a jealous lover chastising his girlfriend for sleeping with a different man and making their bed â€Å"enseamed†. The Queen is extremely upset and actually asks Hamlet to help her figure out what to do. At this point when Hamlet should have told her to confess, he urges her to stop her relationship with Claudius, â€Å"Not this, by no means, that I bid you do: Let the bloat king tempt you again to bed† (Act III, sc iv). Hamlet’s jealous orders restrictive his mother from being sexual with his â€Å"father,† making all Queen’s attention to be given to Hamlet. Fantasy Becomes Reality Hamlet’s inability to understand the motives of evil in actions and thought can also be attributed to his sole idealistic viewpoint. He does not understand why anyone would commit murder and therefore he is uncertain that he had ability to violently kill a man. Murderous revenge represents everything that Hamlet is not. Hamlet’s rational intellect allowed him the clarity of mind to understand both the good and bad in the act of the revenge and perhaps what his true motives for waiting are. The mental degradation of Hamlet, is believed to be insanity by the other characters but it was clear to the audience that he is merely coming to terms with what he believes to be right. Hamlet is a religious man and murder was a sin. Hamlet is a man of classical philosophy and revenge is not rational. In â€Å"The Mind of Man in Hamlet†, Levy writes â€Å"In Hamlet, man is still the rational animal, but a revolution in understanding the operation of thought occurs†. Hamlet is a man of classical philosophy and revenge is not rational (Levy). Choosing to appear mentally impair is good strategy because if the characters believe he is unwell, he will not be able to figure out the true. Hamlet’s true character remains unblemished. Hamlet is a man who believes in chivalry, and slaughter is not gentle. Hamlet is trying â€Å"to be worthy of the times in which he lives is not so far in essence from the protagonists of Greek drama. His fear of the risk of damnation is not something that can be called a moral flaw ; yet it acts like one, paralysing his will, making him behave like a coward† (Joseph 129). It is those idealistic qualities which causes the postponement of Claudius’ death. It is in the moment that Hamlet allows his emotion to dominate over his intellect that Claudius was killed. He is consumed by the thoughts of his father’s demise and is haunted by the knowledge that his father’s soul will not be able to rest until his death is avenged. Hamlet willfully concludes, â€Å"My thoughts be bloody or be nothing worth† (Act IV sc iv). It is then that Hamlet finally had the ability to suppress his idealistic nature, and do what is right. The murder is not a well planned scheme and occurs in the heat of the moment. Hamlet, after the murder of Claudius never once wavers in his decision. He has done what is right and believes that â€Å"There is a special providence in the fall of a sparrow† (Act V sc ii). Oddly enough fatalism is part of idealistic theory and therefore Hamlet always remains true to himself and his idealism. This also further supports that the Oedipal Complex can be applied to Hamlet, because he succeeds in killing â€Å"his father† (Claudius). Jones comments â€Å"And we have assumed as well that the final murder of Claudius also represents, in its actual psychological significance, the murder of the mother’s husband, made possible by the theme of vengeance for the father. This is the basis of the drama† (124). The act of killing his mother, even directly, could symbolize the act sex. Therefore, Hamlet has finally succeeding in attaining his subconscious need to have a sexual relationship with his mother. Conclusion Hamlet’s indecision caused his desire for his mother makes him the perfect tragic protagonist and leads to theme of indecision. Reta Terry, in her journal article â€Å"Vows to the Blackest Devil†: Hamlet and the Evolving Code of Honor in Early Modern Englandâ€Å", believes â€Å"Hamlet’s tragedy is, in part, that he is forced to attempt to balance these â€Å"rival ethical legacies† as he struggles to remain honorable† (Terry 1). Without his intense regard for the ideals of truth, justice, goodness and beauty being in conflict with his most basic physical desires there would be no play. His fatal flaw of indecision and his desire to sleep with his mother create a moral dilemma which the characters, and plot revolves. Even Hamlet, the academic, comments on the presence of hamartia in human nature. He states: oft it chances in particular men That for some vicious mole of nature in them, As in their birth, wherein they are not guilty, By the o’ergrowth of some complexion, Oft breaking down the pales and forts of reason, Their virtues else, be they as pure as grace, Shall in the general censure take corruption (Act 1, sc 4). Hamlet continues late in the resolution of the play, â€Å"though I am not spleenative and rash Yet have I in me something dangerous† (Act V. sc i.) Critics believe while Hamlet is â€Å"Normally not rash at all, he is capable of extreme rashness when provoked extremely. The â€Å"something dangerous† is the proud impatience that there is in his otherwise noble sense of public mission. â€Å"(Elliott 25). Freud states â€Å"Hamlet is able to do anything but take vengeance upon the man who did away with his father and has taken his father’s place with his mother – the man who showed him in realization the repressed desires of his own childhood† (101). The pain which should have caused him to take immediate revenge was replaced by pity for himself. Freud continues â€Å"by conscientious scruples, which tell him that he himself is no better than the murderer whom he is required to punish† (102). It is Hamlet’s idealistic nature mismatched with his pragmatic circumstances of his Oedipal Complex, that creates the ultimate theme and driving force behind all the rising action, falling action, and resolution of this tragedy. Works Cited Cave, Terence. Recognitions: A Study in Poetics. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. Croxford, Leslie. â€Å"The Uses of Interpretation in Hamlet. † Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics (2004): 93+. Elliott, G. R. Scourge and Minister: A Study of Hamlet: A Tragedy of Revengefulness and Justice. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1951. Fendt, Gene. Is Hamlet a Religious Drama? An Essay on a Question in Kierkegaard. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1998. Gresset, Michel, and Patrick S. J. Samway, eds. Faulkner and Idealism: Perspectives from Paris. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 1983. Jones, Ernest. Hamlet and Oedipus . New York: Norton, 1949. Joseph, Bertram. Conscience and the King: A Study of Hamlet. London: Chatto and Windus, 1953. Knowles, Ronald. â€Å"Hamlet and Counter-Humanism. † Renaissance Quarterly 52. 4 (1999): 1046. Levy, Eric P. â€Å"The Mind of Man in Hamlet. † Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature 54. 4 (2002): 219+. MacCary, W. Thomas. Hamlet A Guide to the Play. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998. Mills, John A. Hamlet on Stage: The Great Tradition. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1985. Shakespeare, William. â€Å"The Tragedy Hamlet. † THE NORTON INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE. Ed. Alison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, Kelly J. Mays, and . New York: Norton, 2000. Sugiyama, Michelle Scalise. â€Å"New Science, Old Myth: An Evolutionary Critique of the Oedipal Paradigm. † Mosaic (Winnipeg) 34. 1 (2001): 121 Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams, tr. James Strachey, Avon, N. Y. 1965. Terry, Reta A. â€Å"†Vows to the Blackest Devil†: Hamlet and the Evolving Code of Honor in Early Modern England. † Renaissance Quarterly 52. 4 (1999): 1070. Walker, Roy. The Time Is out of Joint: A Study of Hamlet. London: Andrew Dakers, 1948. Welsh, Alexander. Hamlet in His Modern Guises. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2001. Wilson, J. Dover. What Happens in Hamlet. New York: Macmillan, 1935.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Papae Essay Example

Papae Essay Example Papae Essay Papae Essay How to Read a Journal Article Journal articles can be challenging to read, but most contain many of the same components. Once you understand the structure of each article, understanding the content is much simpler. Journal articles normally contain the following parts. For each part, try to identify the following: Abstract The abstract is normally one paragraph that appears before the article. The abstract provides a summary of the entire article You should read it carefully to determine the following: What topic are the authors studying? What was their primary finding? Literature Review The literature review is often at the beginning of the article. You can identify it because it contains citations, like (McCollum and Miller, 2008) The literature review provides information about past studies that have been done on this topic You should read it carefully to determine the following: What are some of the most important past findings on this topic? How have these past studies led the authors to do this particular study? Overview the basic literature that serves as the foundation for the study. Methods The methods section follows the literature review. It can often be identified because it will have a title of methods or methodology The methods section provides information about the individuals that the authors studied and the way that they conducted their analysis You should read it carefully to determine the following: Who were the participants in this sample? What makes them unique? Is the sample a good representation of the entire population? If not, how are they different? Is the study qualitative (based on interviews, ethnography, participant observation, or content analysis), quantitative (based on statistical analysis), or multi-method includes both qualitative and quantitative analysis) Be able to identify sample, population, and methods. In addition, be able to discuss the benefits/challenges associated with the sample and method. Results findings The results section provides information about what the authors found when they analyzed their data You should read it carefully to determine the What were some of the authors main findings? What are the main findings of the research? Please note: you are not expected to be able to read the tables/graphs or to understand the numbers provided by the authors. Instead, you should focus on the text of the results section. Conclusion/Discussion The conclusion or discussion section follows the results section. It will often have the title conclusion or discussion The conclusion or discussion section summarizes the authors main findings and explains why the findings are so important You should read it carefully to determine the following: What were the authors overall findings? Why are these findings important? What limitations of the study do the authors identify (if any)? What suggestions for future research do the authors make (if any)? Be able to discuss how the current findings connect to past literature what overall contribution does the article make to the discipline? How to Critique a Journal Article 1 . Avoid style based critiques. Style based critiques are such comments as the article was well written, or the author used too much Jargon. While these things may be true, these critiques do not add much in the way of a substantive response. 2. Address Potential Additions and/or Concerns. Instead of style based critiques, focus your critiques on the ways the author does (or does not) support his/her argument or on alternative explanations and/or counter-evidence from other course materials 3. Consider the following questions a. Do you agree or disagree with the authors argument based on other scholarly literature? B. Is the authors argument sociologi cal? Why or why not? C. Is there anything about the authors logic that makes their argument questionable? Is there anything about the authors methods that makes their argument questionable? D. Does the author base their arguments on facts or generalizations? If the author makes generalizations, do you feel these generalizations are Justified? To what groups or individuals might this argument not apply based on these generalizations? E. Does the author present counterintuitive? How does the authors treatment of counterintuitive aid or limit their effectiveness? F. Does the author overstate their argument? Does the author stay within the scope of the paper? Do they avoid grandiose claims? G. What questions are left unanswered? Do the unanswered questions limit the impact of the authors argument? H. How did this Journal Article Assessment Due September 12, 2013 to B ONLY (not a hardcopy or via email) Late papers will not e accepted. Use the McCabe, Terrine, and Butterflies (2002) article Honor Codes and Other Contextual Influences on Academic Integrity uploaded in Assignments on B to complete this assignment. Answer the following questions in paragraph form (complete sentences, correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and citation style): 1) What were the researchers interested in studying? What was the hypothesis or what research question were they trying to address? 2) Who were the participants in this study (how many, what were their characteristics)? What was the population? ) How was the research conducted (describe how data were collected)? 4) What were the findings? 5) How do the findings relate to the literature review? 6) Make sure you include correctly formatted citations and a reference. You may find directions at http://owl. English. Purdue. Due/owl/resource/583/01 land then search for AS. Your answers must be typed, double-spaced, in a reasonable font. Please format the assignment by the number rather than as an essay. Save the file as harassment AJAX. Doc (or . Dock). Include your name on your Word document (only Word docs will e accepted so please do not turn in assignments that are saved in any other format. If I were turning in the assignment, my doc would be titled: *Beware of plagiarism?write your answers in your own words (paraphrase), not those of the authors. If you want to quote (and you should do so sparingly) make sure you correctly format your in text citation. Journal Article Assessment: Adolescent Romance and Delinquency Student Name Here Soc 366, Deviance 1) What were the researchers interested in studying? What literature serves as the foundation for their project? The researchers were interested in examining the relationship between romantic ties among adolescents and delinquency (Giordano, Leonardo, Manning, and Longer 2010). More specifically, their objective is to determine whether self-reported delinquency is associated significantly with variations in a range of relationship qualities and dynamics suggested by Hirsch cold and brittle Hirsch hypothesis, but extend the argument to the adolescents, romance, and delinquency (Giordano et al. 2010). The researchers also incorporated a social learning perspective to determine if it might also affect youths delinquency in a mantic context (Giordano et al. 2010). 2) What are the hypotheses/research questions? Who were the participants (how many, what were their characteristics)? One of their hypotheses is youths engaged in delinquency will convey less importance to romantic relationships, fewer partners in a romantic context, and fewer levels of intimate expression (Giordano et al. 2010:926). In addition, youths engaged in delinquency will be associated positively with conflict and disagreements and will be related inversely to relationship duration (Giordano et al. 2010: 926). The searchers hypothesize that there will be little disparity in the level of warmth and intimacy or amount of cold within delinquents romantic relationships. Independent variables included relationship qualities, frequency of interaction, importance of the relationship, intimate self-disclosure, love, verbal conflict, and duration of the relationship as dependent variables. Delinquency was the independent variable (Giordano et al. 2010). 4) What did they find? The authors found that the cold hypothesis was not supported by the data in this study. Specifically, they found that delinquency does not seem to be related to he variables associated with adolescent romance. They also found that relationship duration did not vary in association with delinquency. In fact, more delinquent youth spent more time with romantic partners than predicted. More delinquent youth, relationships. 5) How do the findings relate to the literature review? (I. E. , Whats the take-away from this article in terms of its contribution to new knowledge)? The research in this study is consistent with previous literature discussed in the Literature Review. Specifically, results are consistent with prior research that links adolescent delinquency later intimate partner violence perpetration and factorization. These findings can be interpreted through the social learning theory, and prior research links child abuse and parental conflict with delinquency. They also found that meeting a partners parents was associated with lower levels of delinquency that is also consistent with previous research. Overall, the researchers found some support for their hypotheses, but others were not supported. This indicates that there is some consistency with previous literature but additional research needs to be conducted to make more general statements about leniency and adolescent romance.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How Quantum Computers Work

How Quantum Computers Work A quantum computer is a computer design which uses the principles of quantum physics to increase the computational power beyond what is attainable by a traditional computer. Quantum computers have been built on a small scale and work continues to upgrade them to more practical models. How Computers Work Computers function by storing data in a binary number format, which result in a series of 1s 0s retained in electronic components such as transistors. Each component of computer memory is called a bit and can be manipulated through the steps of Boolean logic so that the bits change, based upon the algorithms applied by the computer program, between the 1 and 0 modes (sometimes referred to as on and off). How a Quantum Computer Would Work A quantum computer, on the other hand, would store information as either a 1, 0, or a quantum superposition of the two states. Such a quantum bit allows for far greater flexibility than the binary system. Specifically, a quantum computer would be able to perform calculations on a far greater order of magnitude than traditional computers ... a concept which has serious concerns and applications in the realm of cryptography encryption. Some fear that a successful practical quantum computer would devastate the worlds financial system by ripping through their computer security encryptions, which are based on factoring large numbers that literally cannot be cracked by traditional computers within the lifespan of the universe. A quantum computer, on the other hand, could factor the numbers in a reasonable period of time. To understand how this speeds things up, consider this example. If the qubit is in a superposition of the 1 state and the 0 state, and it performed a calculation with another qubit in the same superposition, then one calculation actually obtains 4 results: a 1/1 result, a 1/0 result, a 0/1 result, and a 0/0 result. This is a result of the mathematics applied to a quantum system when in a state of decoherence, which lasts while it is in a superposition of states until it collapses down into one state. The ability of a quantum computer to perform multiple computations simultaneously (or in parallel, in computer terms) is called quantum parallelism. The exact physical mechanism at work within the quantum computer is somewhat theoretically complex and intuitively disturbing. Generally, it is explained in terms of the multi-world interpretation of quantum physics, wherein the computer performs calculations not only in our universe but also in other universes simultaneously, while the various qubits are in a state of quantum decoherence. While this sounds far-fetched, the multi-world interpretation has been shown to make predictions which match experimental results. History of Quantum Computing Quantum computing tends to trace its roots back to a 1959 speech by Richard P. Feynman in which he spoke about the effects of miniaturization, including the idea of exploiting quantum effects to create more powerful computers. This speech is also generally considered the starting point of nanotechnology. Of course, before the quantum effects of computing could be realized, scientists and engineers had to more fully develop the technology of traditional computers. This is why, for many years, there was little direct progress, nor even interest, in the idea of making Feynmans suggestions into reality. In 1985, the idea of quantum logic gates was put forth by the University of Oxfords David Deutsch, as a means of harnessing the quantum realm inside a computer. In fact, Deutschs paper on the subject showed that any physical process could be modeled by a quantum computer. Nearly a decade later, in 1994, ATTs Peter Shor devised an algorithm that could use only 6 qubits to perform some basic factorizations ... more cubits the more complex the numbers requiring factorization became, of course. A handful of quantum computers has been built. The first, a 2-qubit quantum computer in 1998, could perform trivial calculations before losing decoherence after a few nanoseconds. In 2000, teams successfully built both a 4-qubit and a 7-qubit quantum computer. Research on the subject is still very active, although some physicists and engineers express concerns over the difficulties involved in upscaling these experiments to full-scale computing systems. Still, the success of these initial steps does show that the fundamental theory is sound. Difficulties With Quantum Computers The quantum computers main drawback is the same as its strength: quantum decoherence. The qubit calculations are performed while the quantum wave function is in a state of superposition between states, which is what allows it to perform the calculations using both 1 0 states simultaneously. However, when a measurement of any type is made to a quantum system, decoherence breaks down and the wave function collapses into a single state. Therefore, the computer has to somehow continue making these calculations without having any measurements made until the proper time, when it can then drop out of the quantum state, have a measurement taken to read its result, which then gets passed on to the rest of the system. The physical requirements of manipulating a system on this scale are considerable, touching on the realms of superconductors, nanotechnology, and quantum electronics, as well as others. Each of these is itself a sophisticated field which is still being fully developed, so trying to merge them all together into a functional quantum computer is a task which I dont particularly envy anyone ... except for the person who finally succeeds.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Heroic Firefighting Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Heroic Firefighting - Term Paper Example Evidently, the real majority here is the whole population of New Haven, whose welfare and safety is being threatened by certain implications of demoralization and disunity in their ranks as emergency first responders. The case of a city and their racially diverse workforce involves a group of experienced firefighters applying for the next higher rank and took a strict and expensive process of eligibility exams. The man behind the rejection of their new badge was their own Mayor John DeStefano of New Haven, who was accused of favoritism and acts of race-coding a job-related civil service eligibility tests. DeStefano and his alleged political cronyism and of politicizing civil service laws with his cohorts were put on the spot soon as the group of White Hispanic firefighters numbering about twenty went from court to court questioning the denial of their promotion to lieutenants and captains and their well-deserved, long-awaited promotion given a contentious coding of race. The complain ants, who underwent expensive and grueling phase-by-phase examinations accredited, programmed and funded no less by the city fought back with their complaint of reverse discrimination against a small group of disgruntled Black applicants who failed the tests and were the same group behind the raising of the issues of the lack of minority representation. Supreme Court, such an emerging condition has already created a division and animosity in the very core of important frontline services involving the protection of residents.... The man behind the rejection for their new badge was their own Mayor John DeStefano of New Haven, who was accused of favoritism and acts of race-coding a job-related civil service eligibility tests and certain political stunts. DeStefano and his alleged political cronyism and of politicizing civil service laws with his cohorts were put on the spot soon as the group of White Hispanic firefighters numbering about twenty went from court to court questioning the denial of their promotion to lieutenants and captains and their well-deserved, long-awaited promotion given a contentious coding of race. The complainants, who underwent expensive and grueling phase-by-phase examinations accredited, programmed and funded no less by the city fought back with their complaint of reverse discrimination against a small group of disgruntled Black applicants who failed the tests and were the same group behind the raising of the issues of the lack of minority representation. The crux of the matter: In th eir Case Summary What Our Case Is About (newhaven20.com) the group of lieutenants, who had been deprived of promotion have strongly suggested of DeStefano as â€Å"He has been accused repeatedly (and sued multiple times) for violating the law in order to politicize the civil service and award jobs based on race and political cronyism.† The managerial implications are wide-ranging as the case threatens to impede services among first responders in this city of the American East Coast due to possible demoralization, low morale or even disenchantment. Political repercussions is also great and no matter how judicious and fast the final outcome will be in the treatment of the case by the BRAVE,